Better than unwrella
Better than unwrella

better than unwrella

It did seem that Blender had the functionality from two other features, it just didn't for whatever reason support such camera pivot functionality. I had searched quite a bit online and asked the community in several places and what I wanted to do apparently wasn't possible or supported in Blender. I had to be careful about the type of rendering(CPU or OpenGL/CL via GPU I think?), I'd also get different results or not be able to do such at all depending on viewport that was active(I recall 3-4 options? Cycles, Eevee, and the basic/software one? I had another issue with camera navigation, where I think I could focus on a selection to pivot around, and either this didn't work when trying to pivot around a selection of faces/vertices or where the 3D "cursor" was. I believe I was using suzanne for the test, and getting these maps was again awkward or weird/unexpected. I remember trying to some basic render / bake of depth(Z) and normal maps, either to a quad/plane or screen-space(where I had a camera animating along a curve with a constraint aiming it at where I want to keep focus on).


I remember trying to do some UV type of work that was very simple and straight forward in other software like Maya or Unfold3D but like the Krita example, awkward. I experienced those issues time and time again when giving Blender a go.

better than unwrella

It's not that Krita isn't nice software, I've seen some great work from it, but certain things have bad UI/UX. It's a relevant reason when many share that experience is it not? For example, take Krita(I think this was the app), try view and work on a layers RGBA channels, iirc you have to go through a bunch of options that split the layer into several images and then edit and recombine, it's no where near as pleasant/flexible as with Photoshop and it's channels tab. when you _have_ to learn something new because your livelihood depends on it, you may find that it is not all bad and maybe even a bit better.I'm just citing my own experience and others with Blender vs many other software packages. Second, don't compare Blender to small applications with a specific function such as Unfold3D etc.īlender is fast and stable to use, flexible and is very actively developed, and can absolutely be called professional. If you can't, or more importantly, won't learn new software and concepts, this profession may not be for you, or at least it is a ticking clock for people resting on their laurels. I'm sick of the excuse of Blender's UI/UX being different than Maya makes it difficult to use.

better than unwrella

I am even trying to rewrite trueSpace using GTKMM because I got so fed up with the alternatives and wine doesn't run trueSpace properly. E.g no 3D studio max user will ever cutover to Linux because they're so used to the Max workflow, same for Maya people using blender, or trueSpace users using other modellers. What's really needed is for someone to really open up the UI customisation so it's simple to make our own 3D modellers using blender or another engine as a base. The biggest problem all open source 3D modellers have, and all closed source ones really, is that workflow is completely different across these applications. This makes it dead easy to make changes to object coordinates (I also love that the text input boxes double as calculators so selecting a face and you can apply maths to it e.g 2.0 *2 to double the size of a poly of size 2.0). This means I have to go looking for these inputs whereas in Caligari trueSpace they're always in the same window, and whenever I click on a face, a line, a poly or an object, or a group of faces/lines/polys/objects, the Object Info window updates with the coordinates for the item I've selected. Maya and Blender both have the annoying design choice of scattering the text input boxes for location/rotation/scale/X/Y/Z all over the user interface. This enables me to quickly make precise 3d models without trying to guesstimate using the mouse. I am used to using Location/Rotation/ScaleX/Y/Z in a single window to manipulate all the parts of a model using coordinates. I come from a background of using Caligari trueSpace. Ok here's what's wrong with blender (and Maya).

Better than unwrella